5 Steps to Become a Software Engineer after Mechanical Engineering!

Apply for Jobs

World famous companies like Mercedez Benz & Boeing have revealed their requirements seeking mechanical engineers who can code. Matlab, Python & Java included in the engineering syllabus comes in handy for device simulation, numerical analysis, automation of tasks, etc.

Practice Coding / Join Bootcamps

Lack of skillset & relevant certifications leads to rejection in interviews. Mechanical graduates are expected to possess a strong fundamental grip on coding concepts. Python, MATLAB & RPA courses are highly suggested for them to excel in Software domain.

Pursue Programming Jobs

A programmer job that focuses on a single stage in the development cycle is enough step to get started. Build your career portfolio with the basic prerequisites of a Programmer & then evolve with essential software engineering skills over work experience.

Get a Bonus Degree

Do you know why studying MS abroad has become popular? Since you can pursue ‘Master’s Degree’ in Computer Science or Software Engineering irrelevant of your bachelor’s degree. Yes! you can do this even if your bachelor’s degree is in Mechanical Engineering.

Build a Skillful Portfolio

Highlight yourself in the competing world by displaying Simulation based Mechanical Engineering projects or other innovative projects in a well-exhibited portfolio that makes you appear like a master with a masterpiece of your talent to the recruiters.

Build your Network

Network on sites like LinkedIn and interact with people who belong to your professional & career interests. Connecting with experienced professionals will not only bust many myths associated with your career but will also help you groom for the software/IT industry.

To pursue a Professional Software Career after Mechanical Engineering,

Explore Here!